Monday, October 15, 2007

A New Job

I have found the perfect job for me! I was surfing when I came across a help wanted ad-Horse Carriage Drivers needed for the Holidays. What a perfect opportunity to learn how to drive a carriage. I have always wanted to go on one at Christmas time but thought it was too expensive-now I can do it all night long and get paid for it! The very best part of the job is that I can pick my own hours. I just mark what day I want to work and show up for my shift. I can work everyday or take 6 months off! The part I am most worried about is the cold. I have already started training and love all of it except the cold and it is just going to get colder. Friday & Saturday nights I have worn my sweat pants under my jeans, thermal top, long sleeve shirt, wool sweater, hoodie, down vest, and my long duster. I have been comfortable with that but it has only dropped to the low 50s at night. How much more can I wear when the temperature drops to the low 30s?! I need a thermos of hot chocolate!
The horses are awesome. They are controlled pretty much by voice commands. And they really are gentle giants. the one I had Saturday night was Bert and he is a Clydesdale and he is 8 feet tall from his front hoof to his withers or shoulder! The equipment isn't too hard to remember how to put on but I can't remember what the parts are called. I have to pull out and put away my own carriage from the barn which is pretty heavy. My shoulders are still stiff! the draft horse can pull up to 4 times its weight! Amazing! And the horses rally like the work. When you pull them out of their paddock they are ancy and can't wait to get out on the streets.
Well, I expect to see you all up at temple square this Christmas for a carriage ride! Here is the website if you'd like to look around! htpp://

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Stay at Home Mom

Elise and Joseph
the Tiger Tamer What's a circus w/out the trapeze!
I took my kids to the circus last week which was very fun for all-but on the way there I was thinking how lucky I am to be able to stay at home with my kids. I have the freedom to drop everything and run up to SLC to the circus, or go to the park. If I had to work I would miss out on so much. I have a friend that tells me all the time that life is all about the journey and I am enjoying mine.

Elise quit preschool-uhgg, it is starting already! But we do it at home three days a week. I thought I would dread it trying to make sure I taught her all she needs to succeed in kindergarten-geometry, chemisty, you know. But I find myself really enjoying the time with her. Her little mind is like a sponge and soaks up so much as well as retains it. She has a thirst for learning that I hope I can encourage her to retain throughout her life. Her Dad loves learning new stuff and is always talking about going back to school or doing some online courses. He already had two master degrees! Sheesh! I am glad that Elise got her thirst for knowledge from her dad! I was never a big fan of school-just the social part really!

Well, I love my little family and am so blessed to get to watch them grow and develop each step of the way. Thank you Matt for getting those degrees to make my life happier:)

Monday, October 01, 2007

Catch Up

Well, as Hannah mentioned I do have some catch up to do. I won't bore you all with it all at once. I thought I would post about my chickens. We got baby chicks for the kids at Easter and they are know grown and laying eggs. It is Elise's favorite chore of the day to go and gather the eggs from the hen house. I just hope she still likes it when there is snow and freezing outside! It was so exciting the day I found eggs. I wasn't expecting them to lay for at least another month. I was also so very surprised at how small they were. They are getting bigger now. We also have a rooster but he is very quiet. No cock- a-doodle-doing from him. I think he knows that if we find out he is a rooster he'll become Sunday dinner! I caught him this morning laying on the eggs. Maybe he thinks he is a hen!?

I am some what weird in the fact that my future goal in life is to have a mini farm. I want to have a couple cows, horses, chickens, maybe a milking goat or two, a pig to butcher in the fall. I grew up part of my years on a mini farm and I loved it. I never looked at my outside chores as 'chores'. It was enjoyable and an outlet for me- still is- hence the garden and the chickens and the two dogs! Which is way my household duties don't get done. I need to hire a full time "Alice" from the Brady Bunch to do the mundane daily things of a house wife!

Along with that I have finally put together a scrapbook page of my Frenchie Bella. I was somewhat inspired to do so after Jessi's blog about dogs. I love my frenchie and think that once past the stubborn/stupid puppy phase they seem to go through they are THE best family dog. She is loyal- follows me from room to room which often I feel bad about because that is sometimes the only exercise she gets, she is protective- will bark at the fence or the door until I call her off and then she'll lick the visitor all over the face, and she is patient- with two small children I often find her dressed in their clothing or being used as a landing pad from off the couch. She has never snapped at anyone torturing her! I haven't heard- did Jessie get a dog?! I could have at least two more but Matt keeps me in check!

Ta Ta for now!