Friday, December 14, 2007

Welcome Home

Surprisingly a small miracle has taken place at our house. I am sure you are all tired of hearing about my dogs but they are like my kids. I have nothing else to talk about except kids and animals! I will try to post about more intellectual topics in the future! Anyways-I had Bella given to e by a breeder for free which never happens. French bulldogs go for $3000 easy and so selling a pet the breeder could sell them at a reduced price of $1500 with no problem. So I assumed that if I ever wanted another frenchie I was doomed to pay full price. But my good friends at the vet clinic that I used to work at put in a good word for me with the frenchie breeders that come in and I amazingly scored another free frenchie! She is two years old and came from Russia-as did my other Frenchie. But she has seizures and has to be on two medications every day to prevent episodes. The breeder didn't want to breed her and have the puppies have this problem as well but didn't feel she could find a good permanent home for her that would maintain her meds and bloodwork. I am totally comfortable of the all the extras and now she has come to live with us. Her name is 'Stella' and is quite chubby. I've renamed her fatty bo blattey! She has had really no training at all and seems to not know her name. I feel sad for these poor dogs that belong to breeders because although their physical needs are usually well met their emotional needs are neglected. {Matt snickers as I write this} But dogs are very social animals and need that 'pack companionship'. Stella is just soaking up the attention she is getting. And I have no doubt that she will be in excellent shape within a few months going up and down the stairs, chasing chickens, ferret, and small children. not to mention Strider's playful energy levels. Now you all know my secret of how I stay skinny! Who needs a gym when who have a household like Dr. Doolittle! The breeder also brought down a littler of frenchie puppies for the vet to check. I knew it would be hard to see frenchies again but I broke down at the vet's. It was hard to see the big ears and hear unique snort. It was good and bad. It is good to have a snorty dog comfortably sleeping in my lap again though. Wish me luck in the training process because I do believe frenchie's are the dumbest and most stubborn dog to train but worth it in the end.

As to the ferret some have requested more pics of her. Here are some of her looking to be rescued and then sleeping safely in Oma's (grandma) lap. I have had to put a lock on Monkey's cage because Joey is getting to rough with her I am afraid that she will get
hurt. He was very upset about the new rule but I know it will be better for everyone!


Diana said...

I am so happy you got your frenchie, Stella is really cute.
You're the perfect owner for her.
Joey looks so cute with his binki, Kira kept on laughing and laughing about it last time we saw you, she kept on saying Joey's not a baby but he as a binki that's funny:)

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so lucky to have a pet-loving mother- and you are lucky that Matt tolerates it! One pet is all I can handle at a time :)

So happy for you! It sounds like Stella is in the best hands for her condition.

jt said...

yay! I'm so happy for you. Stella is a great name and very cute. Monkey is cutre as well, and I'm glad your household pet quota has been restored somewhat. i want to hear more about her. email me!

wackywilsons said...

Congrats on the new pup!! What is the personality like compared to Bella?

How were your holidays and all that snow???

Your babies are absolutly beautiful...can't belive how big they are!