Thursday, November 29, 2007

Until We Meet Again....

Tuesday night Matt took the trash out and our French bulldog followed him out. A car veered off the road to pass another car pulling into their driveway. The veering car hit and killed our sweet Bella who was standing in the grass. She lived only a few minutes and died in my arms. It was one of the hardest and horrible things I've had to do when I buried her that cold, snowy night. She was my shadow, my companion. I am having a hard time going through my daily routines without her. My children were sweet in their simple faith. Elise hugged me when we told her Bella was gone and simply said that we will see Bella again and to not be so sad. It is just that it will be such a long time before that happens. A heaven without my animals would not be heaven at all! Joseph pointed his finger out the window and replied ' I will get on my big boy bike and find Bella for you!' If only he could bring her back to me. Bella was the BEST family dog ever. She tolerated my kids jumping on her, pulling on her, riding her without even a complaint. She was content to follow me from room to room or excited to go to the park to run with the kids. Bella often was found as a stow away in the car. Jumping into action whenever I picked up my purse and bolting out the door with the kids to get into the car first. I have so many fond memories which is all I have of her now. I am an animal lover and when I lose a pet I suffer for a long time. I grieve and grieve-a big void unable to be filled. My days lost to memories. I try to fill up the time with distractions which helps some. But when the day is done, kids off to bed and the house is quiet once again I find myself full of grief and tears. I have nothing else to say really but have tears to shed for my loss. I miss you Bella. Know that you will always be remembered. If you have any fond memories of my Bella I would enjoy reading about them.Our first picture of Bella when we brought her home Feb. 2002.
Our first Christmas with Elise and Bella. Dec. 2003A bit blurry but you can see that Bella was a friend to all- even the hairless cat 'Pinky'.
Our neighbor loving the dogs the day before the accident.
Matt's niece giving her a love. So tolerant and accepting.

Sorry that I didn't flip this picture. Bella and Elise were witches together this year for Halloween.Strider our dobie is lost without his companion. He is not eating very well-neither am I- and sleeps all day long. I am so sorry. I took this picture the day before she died. How can I go on without that face and those ears.


Diana said...

Bridget I am so sorry. I know how much Bella meant to you. I'll always love Bella because she is the first dog that Kira wasn't afraid of. I'll always remember Kira walking Bella and how patient Bella was with Kira.

jt said...

Bridget, I am SO sorry!!! I understand your loss, and it is a hard one to bear. It is not easy or quick, and the memories of these very special pets last a lifetime. When you grow up and have animals all your life like we do, you find these special companions only once in a while- they are hard to find. You had Tillie, and you had Bella. I loved both of those dogs like they were my own, and I hope you can remember the happiness they brought to you while here. Like you, heaven will not be so without my animals. My special cat Simon is there, and it is a comfort. I loved sweet Bella- so tolerant, so fun. I remember when you first got her and she was so good to know the difference between HER toys, and Elise's baby toys, which looked very similar! I loved throwing her across the room on the floor like she would let me do and come barreling back for more. I love those ears, those little missy cheeks. I'm praying for you and I understand the loss you have suffered.
love you and your whole family, human and animal alike.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I've been missing out on some awesome blogs by not coming by here. So sorry about Bella. Made me super sad when I read what Joey said, that he "would get on his big boy bike & find Bella for you." How sweet.

Anonymous said...

Oh man- I am so sorry Bridget! So very tragic and unexpected. When I think of her I think of her crazy teeth and how you said she was like a second mother and very protective. Much more so than Strider and it still makes me laugh that she was the one who would defend your family. I hope the pain starts to ease soon.

Thinking of you!

wackywilsons said...

First of all, I am glad to see you have a blog so I can keep up with you more often...

My heart wrenches for you and Bella! I know how much you love(d) that sweet pea of yours, just as much as I do for Wrangler...she is the funnest dog to watch jumping through snow or grass! I remember our walks around the block in Provo and how sweet Bella always was to Elise, and letting her jump into her stroller with her.

I will look and see if I can find more pics of her...I know that you will see her again. God is a dog lover as well, that is why they are Man's Best Friend.

hang in there...I know this is so hard, about as hard as losing a child. May you find comfort in good memories and hold onto your other little ones near you just a bit tighter...

Bella will always be with you and watching over you.

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