Well, I have made a new goal to make blogging more of a priority this week. Every week seems chaotic so I can’t use that as an excuse anymore :)
A recap on this past week: took Elise to the Urgent care center last Sunday for an injury that she caused herself at nursery; then took Joseph to the ER for a head injury on Friday; participated in the YW activity; mowed the lawn and weeded my newly planted shrubs; cleaned the house from top to bottom; called the city to come out and turn on the irrigation water; began a recycle pile so that I can be better to the environment; and babysat the neighbor kids. I know that I am not ready for four kids! My two sisters birthdays were also this past week and I got the dates mixed up in my frenzied busyness- I swore that Thursday was the 26th not the 27th. I had to actually look at the calendar to prove it to myself! At least I remembered to mail their birthday presents! I am thinking about dying my hair blonde so that it matches my personality.
This week is my birthday and my mom sent me a beautiful potted plant full of sweet smelling blossoms. I love that it won’t be dead by next week and each time I walk by it I think if her. I love my mom-Thanks mom for giving me a birthday!
I am not sure what to do for my birthday. I have some ideas like a romantic getaway with my husband but I have no sitter and no money so then I thought dinner and a movie or something would be nice. Perhaps a day hike with the kids and Matt would be enjoyable as well. What things have you done that made your birthdays enjoyable and memorable? Do you have a favorite birthday? The birthday that seems to stand out in my mind is when I was about 10 or so and my grandma gave me my first pet- a cute white rabbit, cage and all. My parents were upset because she hadn’t talked to them about it first. But, my parents couldn’t tell me no- so I was able to keep it. That started my adoration for all animals. So, you could say it is because of her that I have a career in the animal world and that I own so many pets now!